Partnering with Parents to Cultivate Christians Who Bring Glory to God With Their Wisdom, Eloquence, And Virtue.


Homeschooling Options for Every Family.
K - 8th grade.

Classical Core

Our Classical Core Program is designed to provide most of the initial instruction in the core subjects utilizing the Classical model of education through a Christian worldview. In this program, our Classically trained tutors come alongside your family to ensure that each learner is getting the education that will serve them best.
Classical Core runs Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Classical Practicum

Our Classical Practicum Program is where we put classical education up on its feet. This project based program provides our learners an opportunity to explore subjects like art, science, music, entrepreneurship, and so much more through the context of the history that they are studying.
Classical Practicum runs on Mondays.

Our Mission

Beachcities Classical exists to partner with parents to cultivate Christians who bring glory to God with their wisdom, eloquence, and virtue. We offer programs that cultivate self-responsible, action-oriented leaders through classical, Christian education.


Our Heart

Our program prioritizes the development of each learner’s character. We know that every single one of them is here for a purpose. Our job is to facilitate their growth and development so that they can discover what that purpose is and bring their gifts to the world whole-heartedly.

True Mastery

Mastery means ‘comprehensive knowledge’. At Beachcities Classical we have strategically designed a program so that all of our learners can master the skill or knowledge set that they are working on. This means that they can demonstrate what they know, not through quick regurgitation in a test, but through application of their knowledge.

The success and confidence that comes from true mastery is unmatched. Learner’s paths are customized to them to achieve this and support them in discovering how they learn best.

Engage their growing minds and hearts with truth, beauty, and goodness.